为研究高温高湿环境对颅脑火器伤基本生命体征的影响 ,将 32只成年猫按Carey提出的猫中度颅脑火器伤标准制作模型 ,分别放入温度和湿度为 2 5℃、5 0 % ;35℃、85 % ;38℃、90 %和 40℃、95 % (下简称A、B、C、D组 )的仿真模拟气候舱 ,观察生命体征变化并统计病死率。结果发现 ,A组生命体征无显著变化 ,B组缓慢升高 ,C、D组迅速升高 ,尤以体温、心率变化最为明显 ;A、B组 6h内无死亡 ,C组 5h内、D组 2 5h内全部死亡。说明高温高湿环境对颅脑火器伤的病死率和生命体征有显著影响。
In order to study the influence of high temperature and high humidity on the vital signs after craniocerebral missile wound(CMW), CMW was produced in 32 cats according to the method of Carey. Then they were placed in a cabin with respective environmental temperature and humidity of 25℃ and 50%,35℃ and 85%,38℃ and 90% or 40℃ and 95%(as group A, B, C, D).The vital signs and mortality rate were recorded. There were little changes in group A, a slow elevation in group B, but obvious changes in groups C and D. There was no death in groups A and B in 8 hours. All cats in group C died in 5 hours, and also in 2 5 hours in group D. The results suggested that an environment of high temperature and high humidity was detrimental to survival of cats inflicted with CMW, and measures should be taken to alleviate these detimental effects in the treatment of CMW.
Medical Journal of Chinese People's Liberation Army
全军医学科研"九五"计划杰出人才基金资助课题 (编号 96M83)