通过对气液两相流中均相流和分相流模型的分析 ,推导了一个双节流元件组合式的两相流干度测量公式 ,分析了公式的适用范围。设计了垂直上升孔板和垂直下降文丘利管串联相组合的实验验证装置 ,并以空气和水为工质进行了实验研究。实验研究表明 ,在环状流区垂直下降文丘利管的压降特性非常接近于均相流模型的计算结果 ,而垂直上升管内孔板的压降可用修正的均相流模型来计算。此方法在本次实验的干度范围内测量值均方根误差为 7%。
A theoretical method for measuring the quality of gas liquid two phase flow was established based on the equations of homogeneous model and separated model of two phase flow. In order to achieve this method a test section which contains an upward orifice and a downward venturi was made. Experimental results showed the homogeneous model is more accurate than separated model when predicting the pressure drop of a downward venturi in annulus flow pattern. While the pressure drop of the upward orifice can be calculated by a modified separated model. The RMS of two phase flow quality is 7% in the given ranges.
Acta Metrologica Sinica