目的 探讨尿路子宫内膜异位症 (EMS)的诊断与治疗。 方法 回顾总结 6例尿路EMS的诊疗经过 ,并复习国内 30例文献。 结果 6例中膀胱EMS 2例 ,输尿管EMS 4例。均经病理证实。 5例以EMS手术 ,术前忽视了尿路病变 ;1例以输尿管狭窄行探查术 ,术中疑为结肠肿瘤。治疗采用同侧附件及病灶切除、输尿管松解、端端吻合。 结论 对行经期妇女有周期性膀胱症状或非结石引起的低位输尿管梗阻 ,尤其有盆腔手术史者要高度怀疑EMS ,采用手术切除病灶并行尿路重建可取得良好的效果。
Objective To study the diagnosis and treatment of urinary tract endometriosis. Me- thods Retrospective review of 6 cases of urinary tract endometriosis was carried out. Results There were 2 cases of bladder and 4 cases of ureter endometriosis EMS involving the urinary tract had not been considered before operation.The diagnosis depended on biopsy.The treatment consisted of salpingo-oophorectomy,local excision of the lesion freeing of the ureter and end-to-end anastomosis. Conclusions Urinary tract endometriosis should be considered in premenopausal women presenting noncalculous low ureteric obstruction or cyclical symptoms of bladder.Removal of the lesion should be undertaken when there is evidence of endometriosis invading into the urinary tract.
Chinese Journal of Urology