针对农业生产中秸秆还田出现的伤苗现象 ,进行了麦秸不均匀还田的微区模拟试验 ,结果表明 ,局部地段秸秆堆积会导致还原物质过多积累 ,严重影响稻种出苗、成苗 ,对水稻的苗期生长也有一定影响。前期干湿交替的水浆管理和适时移苗补缺 。
According to the problems frequently occurring in the returning of straw to field in farm production, microplot trials of simulated non uniform returning of wheat straw to field were carried out in Shanghai. The results indicate that the partial piling of wheat straw can lead to the excessive accumulation of reducing matters, so will severely affect emergence and establishment of rice seedlings and even influence somewhat the growth of rice at seeding stage. The water and soil management of alternate irrigating and draining and opportune transplanting of seedlings for repair planting at early stage will relieve the negative effect of excessive returning of wheat straw to field.
Soils and Fertilizers