[目的 ] 探讨利用蚕豆根尖细胞微核测定技术监测室内空气污染的可行性。 [方法 ] 观察不同浓度香烟烟气在实验室密闭条件和现场综合因素作用下 ,蚕豆根尖细胞微核率变化情况。 [结果 ] 在实验室密闭条件下 ,不同浓度的香烟、煤气 (以一氧化碳为浓度指标 )对蚕豆微核的影响 ,低剂量 (12 .5mg/m3 )组与对照组差异无显著性 ,中剂量 (2 5 .0mg/m3 ) ,高剂量 (37.5mg/m3 )组微核率差异有显著性 ;现场实验中 ,蚕豆根尖细胞微核率随现场环境中一氧化碳、甲醛等污染物浓度的不同差异有显著性。 [结论 ] 蚕豆根尖细胞微核测定技术作为一种生物监测技术运用于室内场所的空气污染监测 ,具有简便 ,经济快速的特点 ,可以直接反映空气污染对生物的影响 ,同时比单一指标测定更能反映空气污染 (尤其是室内香烟烟气 )的综合效应 ,可以解决当前室内空气污染评价指标单一的状况 ,值得推广。
To explore a new method to monitor indoor air pollution by using the micronucleus test technique in civia faba. The variance of micronucleus rate was observed under lab hermetic condition and field test at series fumes concentration by using micronucleus test technique. Under the lab condition,the micronucleus rate was significantly higher than that of control group in both middle group(25.0mg/m 3) and high group(37.5mg/m 3)except low group( 12.5 mg/m 3),according to CO concentration,The micronucleus rate responded to the concentration of indoor air pollution ,such as fumes and formaldehyde,in field test. [Conclusion] As a convenient biological monitor system,micronucleus test technique in civia faba can monitor the indoor air pollution factually.
Shanghai Journal of Preventive Medicine