

My Humble Opinion about the Coinage of DENG Xiao-ping Theory
摘要 邓小平理论概念的提出经历了一个相当长的酝酿过程,大体上包括4个发展阶段:①从十一届三中全会到十二大,邓小平理论产生和发展的基本轨迹在这一阶段提出;②从十二大到十三大,邓小平理论概念的提出过程正式开始;③从十三大到十四大,邓小平理论概念首次提出;④从十四大到十五大和全国人大九届二次会议,邓小平理论被正式确立为党和国家的指导思想。这个概念的提出和确立,是邓小平理论自身发展的必然结果,是全党和全国人民集体智慧的结晶。 This essay deals with the coinage of the concept-DENG Xiao-ping Theory. The author proves that the coinage had been brewing for quite a long time, including generally four stages:①The basic track of the making and development of DENG Xiao-ping Theory appearing from the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Party Cen-tral Committee to the Twelfth National Congress of the C.P.C.;②The formal beginning of the coinage of the concept-DENG Xiao-ping Theory from the Twelfth National Congress to the Thirteenth National Congress of the C. P.C.;③The first coinage of the Concept-DENG Xiao - ping Theory from the Thirteenth National Congress to the Fourteenth National Congress of the C.P. C.;④DENG Xiao - ping Theory was formally chosen as the directing thought from the Fourteenth National Congress to the Fifteenth National Congress and the Second Session of the Ninth National People's Congress. The coinage and choose of the concept is the inevitable result of the development of DENG Xiao - ping Theory itself. It is the the crystallization of collective wisdom of the whole Party and the whole nation.
作者 王国永
机构地区 浙江大学历史系
出处 《郑州工业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2001年第2期6-10,共5页 Journal of Zhengzhou University of Technology(Social Science)
关键词 邓小平理论 指导思想 十一届三中全会 中国共产党 发展历程 DENG Xiao-ping Theory concept coinage
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