目的 :探讨异丙肾上腺素 ( ISP)对异氟醚的心血管效应的影响。方法 :本实验分为异氟醚低浓度 [0 .85 % ,0 .6MAC(最小肺泡有效浓度 ) ]和高浓度 ( 1.70 % ,1.2 MAC)两部分。每部分实验选择 3 2只健康杂种犬 ,随机分为 4组(每组 8例 ) :对照组 ,异氟醚组 ,ISP组和 ISP+异氟醚组。监测有创动脉血压、肺动脉压、肺动脉楔嵌压、中心静脉压、心排出量和心率。记录上述参数在用药 2 0 m in后的变化。结果 :在硫喷妥钠麻醉犬上静脉滴注 0 .0 2 μg· kg- 1· min- 1 的 ISP和 0 .6MAC及 1.2 MAC异氟醚的心血管效应之间均没有交互作用。结论 :ISP对临床浓度的异氟醚的心血管效应没有显著影响。目的 :探讨异丙肾上腺素 ( ISP)对异氟醚的心血管效应的影响。方法 :本实验分为异氟醚低浓度 [0 .85 % ,0 .6MAC(最小肺泡有效浓度 ) ]和高浓度 ( 1.70 % ,1.2 MAC)两部分。每部分实验选择 3 2只健康杂种犬 ,随机分为 4组(每组 8例 ) :对照组 ,异氟醚组 ,ISP组和 ISP+异氟醚组。监测有创动脉血压、肺动脉压、肺动脉楔嵌压、中心静脉压、心排出量和心率。记录上述参数在用药 2 0 m in后的变化。结果 :在硫喷妥钠麻醉犬上静脉滴注 0 .0 2 μg· kg- 1· min- 1 的 ISP和 0 .6MAC及 1.2
s: AIM: To explore the influence of isoprenaline on cardiovascular effects caused by isoflurane. METHODS: This study included two parts: low concentration isoflurane (0.85vol%, 0.6 MAC) and high concentration isoflurane (1.70vol%, 1.2MAC). 32 healthy dogs in either part of experiments were randomly divided into four groups ( n =8 for each group): Isoflurane+isoprenaline group, Isoprenaline group, Isoflurane group, and Control group. Invasive arterial blood pressure, pulmonary arterial pressure, pulmonary arterial wedge pressure, central venous pressure, cardiac output as well as heart rate were monitored in all dogs. RESULTS: In thiopental anesthetized dogs, no interaction existed between the cardiovascular effects caused by isoflurane in either 0.85vol% (0.6 MAC) or 1.70vol% (1.2 MAC) and the cardiovascular effects caused by intravenous isoprenaline at the rate of 0.02 μg·kg -1 ·min -1 . CONCLUSION: Isoprenaline had no significant influence on the cardiovascular effects caused by isoflurane in dogs.
Chinese Heart Journal