通过现场静态模拟试验 ,探讨了微污染水源水经生物处理池处理后 ,出水流入后续的水库并停留一定时间后 ,出水中所含的氨氮、亚硝酸盐氮和硝酸盐氮等发生的变化及其对水库水质的影响 ,并且考察了实际工程运行前后水库水质的变化。研究结果表明 ,生物处理池出水在水库内停留 7天后 ,氨氮和亚硝酸盐氮能得到进一步的降解 ,不仅有利于水源水质的进一步改善 。
Based on the static-modeling experiment through the fieldwork,investigations we re conducted on the variations and the effects of ammonia-nitrogen, nitrite-ni trogen and nitrate-nitrogen in the effluent of th e biological basin for treatment of slightly polluted source water after the effluent flowed into the subsequent reservoir and retaine d for some time. Moreover the difference of the water quality of the reservoir between before and after th e operation of the practical biological treatment basin was analyzed. The results showed that ammonia-nitrogen and nitri te-nitrogen could be further degraded after the effluent from the biological treatment basin flowed into the reservoir and retai ned for seven days.This not only benefited the improvement of the source water quality, but also benefited reducing the eutrophication of the reservoir.
Water & Wastewater Engineering