马鞍山市自来水公司二水厂原日供水能力为 13万m3,1998年扩建改造后 ,日供水能力为 2 3万m3,新的二级泵房安装了 4台水泵机组 ,型号为 2 8SA 10JC ,额定流量为 30 0 0m3/h ,扬程为4 7m ,匹配Y5 0 0 8型 10kV高压电机和新型电磁调速供水系统 ,经安装调试运行后 。
In 1998 the Second Waterworks in Ma'anshan City, Anhui Province was re constructed with the capacity being increased from 130 to 230 thousand cubic meters per day. Four pumping assemblies composed of centrifugal pump type 28SA-10JC with nominal discharge of 3 000 cubic meters per hour and delivery head of 47 m and electro-motor Y500-8 with input voltage of 10kV are installed in the output water pumping station. These new typ e electro-magnetic governed assemblies are working normally with evident benefits after they were put into operation.
Water & Wastewater Engineering