目的 探讨不同术式腰椎间盘术后卧床及锻炼时间对术后效果的影响。方法 对 5种术式 2 80例患者追踪随访12~ 2 4个月。结果 发现术后卧床时间长和椎板切除广泛的患者远期并发症多。结论 腰椎间盘手术损伤越小、合理掌握卧床和功能锻炼时间 。
Objective To discuss the effect on resules of different operative methods for treatment of lumber disc prolapse by the time in bed and to begin exercise. Methods 280 cases treated with one of five operative methods respectively, followed up period extended from 12 months to 24 months. Results Cases who were treated much wider laminectomy and stayed longer in bed have more complications. Conclusion The smaller the lamina is removed, with a reasonable time in bed and to begin exercise, the better the long term results is.
Clinical Journal of Medical Officers