资本短缺一直是困扰欠发达地区经济迅速增长的瓶颈。对贵州经济增长中的资本来源、运用及其调控的研究结果说明 ,在资本形成问题上 ,城乡居民储蓄不足和企业积累能力低下是其两大关键。保持与经济增长要求相适应的储蓄率 ,广泛动员和利用不同渠道的资金来源 ,改善企业经营状况和提高获利能力 ,推动资本市场加快发育和完善 ,是包括贵州在内的欠发达地区经济走出资本困境的必然选择。
Shortage of funds has always been the tough problem hindering the rapid economic increase in less developed regions.The conclusion of the research on the capital sources,its usage,adjustment and controlin Guizhou province shows that the insufficiency of people's savings deposit in towns and country areas and businesses' lower accumulative capacity of capital are two key problems to the formation of capital.Maintaining deposit ratio corresponding to the needs of economic increase,improving businesses'operating conditions and raising their ability of profit-making,promoting the construction of capital market and accelerating its growth and maturity are the inevitable options for less developed regions such as Guizhou in getting rid of the difficult situation of capital shortage.
Journal of Guizhou College of Finance and Economics