在地壳形变研究和高精度数据处理中 ,系统误差源不可忽视 ,应尽可能地削弱其影响。为此讨论了系统误差及其平差补偿问题 ,提出由平差残差检验系统误差的方差估计方法 ,其中运用了概率置信域概念和区间估计方法。在平差补偿方面 ,讨论了附加系统参数法 ,提出了附加系统权模型 ,指出同时应用附加系统参数和系统权平差模型 。
Systematic error can not be ignored in study of crust deformation and high precision data processing, thus its influence should be weakened as far as possible. In this paper,the problem on adjustment compensation of systematic error is discussed and some simple and practical methods for testing \{\%E(\%Δ\%)\%=0\} according to residual error after adjustment are brought up.The variance estimation of systematic error,for which concepts of confidence region in probability and method of region estimation are used, is focused on. In adjustment compensation of systematic error,method with system parameter added in is discussed and model with system weight added in is given.It can be concluded that, for weakening influence of systematic error,the method with both the system parameter and system weight is more effective.
Journal of Geodesy and Geodynamics
国家自然科学基金 (4 0 0 0 40 0 1)资助