目的 :初步探讨肺部恶性肿瘤射频治疗 (RFA)后X线变化规律。方法 :分析 36例共 5 0个肺肿瘤 (肺癌2 7个 ,肺转移灶 2 3个 )RFA治疗后X线表现并与术前作对比 ,术前病灶最大径 0 8~ 10cm (平均 3 5cm)。结果 :5 0个病灶中有 4 9个 (98% )RFA术后首次复诊X线照片见靶病灶增大 ,病灶最大径 1 8~ 15cm (平均 5 8cm) ;1个病灶(2 % )术后首次照片已基本消失。 6 1% (30 / 4 9)靶病灶内见空洞形成。并发症有肺炎、胸水或气胸等。追踪观察 32个靶病灶见 30个 (94 % )先增大后缩小 ,77%在 2个月内开始缩小 (其中有 2个缩小后又增大 )。结论 :①肺部恶性肿瘤射频治疗后早期X线表现具有特异性。②胸部平片能方便有效地追踪评价肺部恶性肿瘤RFA术后治疗效果及其并发症 。
Objective:To evaluate the characteristics of the X ray appearances of lung tumors after radiofrequency ablation (RFA) Methods:The chest X ray manifestations before and after RFA of 50 lung tumors in 36 patients including 27 lesions of lung carcinoma and 23 pneumal metastases were analyzed The preoperative lesions were with the size of 0 8 10 cm (mean 3 5cm) Results:49 treated lesions enlarged in 50 (98%) in the first follow up chest plain films after RFA with the size of 1 8 15cm (mean 5 8 cm),in 61%(30/49) of which cavities occurred,and 1 (2%,1/50) had almostly disappeared The complications included pneumonia,pleural effusion or pneumothorax et al According to the further follow up chest plain films obtained in 32 treated lesions,94% (30/32) relieved (of which 77% relieved in two months,2 again became enlarging) Conclusion:① The early X ray manifestations of lung malignancies after RFA are to be characteristic ② Plain films can conveniently and effectively evaluate the effects and complications of RFA of lung malignancies and it has a high value clinically
Guangzhou Medical Journal
Lung malignancies
X ray