21世纪高校深化教育改革 ,全面推行素质教育 ,发展知识经济 ,是中国自立于世界先进民族之林的惟一出路 ,挑战与机遇并存。高校素质教育应吸取我国优秀的人文教育传统 ,搞好校园文化和课程体系、课程内容建设 ,抓好学科间的交叉 ,加强师生间的沟通 ,增加学生学习的自主权和教学制度的灵活性 。
In order to nurture quality personnel and develop knowledge economy, China is deepening its reforms on higher education by pushing on an all-around quality education, which is the only solution for upgrading China into the advanced countries of the word. Challenges and opportunities co-exist. Based upon nurturing omniscient quality personnel oriented to the future, the modernization and the world, the quality education in universities should carry on the excellent traditions in China's humanistic education; do well with the reconstruction of campus culture, curricular system and curricular content; promote intercross of subjects; improve communications between teachers and students; and increase the students' freedom of learning and flexibility of teaching regulations.
Journal of Henan Institute of Education(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)