据世界卫生组织统计 ,世界上 2 0 %— 30 %的人有不同程度的心理异常。学校中的心理学教师 ,应通过心理学知识的讲授与普及 ,帮助每一个学生培养良好的心理品质 ,提高其心理健康水平。作者总结在教学中所获得的一些教改体会 。
According to the statistics by WHO, about 20-30% people in the world have in varying degrees psychological differential, school psychology teachers should help students to develop good psychological qualities, to raise the standards of their psychological health through their teaching and spreading of psychological knowledge.This paper discusses the practical meaning of pschological teaching through the writer's teaching experience.
Journal of Henan Institute of Education(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)