我国特殊的社会经济条件,决定了再就业是一项宏大而长远的 战略工程,必须通过全社会的深化改革和整体发展才能解决好。当前迫切需要克服片面化的 思想,走出实施再就业工程的认识误区。其认识误区主要有:片面强调加快经济增长速度; 片面强调大力发展第三产业;片面强调“离土不离乡”的转移模式;片面强调实现“充分就 业”;片面强调实施“减员增效”;片面强调经济增长方式的转变。
: Under the special economic condition in China,the re-employment project is a hu ge strategic project,so it must be solved through comprehensive reform and development.Now several mistakes should be avoided and realized.These mistakes include:1.Exaggerate the aspect of accelerating the economic growth rate.2.Ex aggerate the aspect of developing tertiar industry.3.Exaggerate the aspect of t he transition pattern of leaving the farming job and staying in the hometown'.4 .Exaggerate the aspect of full employment.5.Exaggerate the aspect of reducing the number of staff and promoting efficiency'.6.Exaggerate the aspect of shift ing the economic growth mode.
Journal of Shijiazhuang University of Economics