本文探讨了萧红创作与鲁迅创作的相似之处。他们都具有直面现实的精神,都对国民 性问题进行了有意识的持久的关注,所不同的是,萧红在继承鲁迅的基础上又有所发展。 她在批判国民性弱点 的同时,也注意到了国民性中可贵的方面。此外,她的创作在艺术上体现出讽刺、幽默的特 点。
: This paper researchs the similarity between Lu Xun and Xiao Hong. Bo t h of them had a spirit that face straight to the reality, also they paid attenti on to the problem of our Chinese nature conciously for a long time .The only d i fference between them is that Xiao Hong has found the merit of Chinese people wh ile she is criticizing their shortcomings .Besides, her works reflects a satirical and humorous characteristics.
Journal of Shijiazhuang University of Economics