本文通过对中国大学中管理权力运行特征的分析,阐释了中国大学行政主导型和行 政学术双主导型管理模式形成、演化的深层制度原因及其弊端,提出了中国大学管理改革的 科学取向是解决“行政权力泛化”的问题,建立学术主导型的大学管理模式。
: Based on the analysis of the operating character of management power in the coll eges and universities of China,the paper expounds the formation of the primary m ode of its administration and deplicate mode of administration and academy,and t he causes of deep developed system and its defects.And the paper suggests the sc ientific trend of the management reform is to solve the problems in the overrun of the administration power and establishes the academy domination mode in the E ducation of higher learning in China.
Journal of Shijiazhuang University of Economics