Obtaining highly accurate finite element models(FEM) is necessary for computation of dynamic behavior and design of active and/or passive control. Trail data can be used to update finite element models. This task is known as FEM updating or experimental/computational models correlation.
Aiming at large - scale complex structures, such as satellites, we bring forward the Integrated FEM Updating Approach in this paper. This approach can correct both elements in matrices of FEM and design parameters-physical and geometrical parameters. It can not only update mass matrix [M]and stiffness matrix [K] but also modify damping matrix [C] .This approach furthest utilizes trail data, including trial natural frequencies, trail mode shapes, and trail frequency response functions. While many frequencies and mode shapes of FEM are modified to approximately match the trail data,the updating precision of the first several important frequencies of FEM is ensured. The computational method in this paper does not need that trail frequency response functions matrices are fully gained. It just needs one row of one column or several rows or several columns of the trail frequency response functions. The method is available when some big errors exist.
This approach needs to utilize certain existing FE program, such as MSC/NASTRAN. By u-tilizing the existing FE program, stiffness sensitivities, mass sensitivities and damping sensitivities are gained. The mode shapes that are used to produce one kind of dynamic reduction matrix are also gained throughout the existing FE program. The approach finally exchanges the FEM updating problem to an optimization problem, which includes both a set of equations and a set of inequations. It is important to find out a good method of optimization for preferable results of FEM updating .
Spacecraft Engineering
FEM updating, dynamic reduction, sensitivity, mode shape, frequency response functions , nonlinear optimization.