为适应石油化工行业的需要 ,研制了一种超低比转速 (ns<1 5 )部分流离心泵。该泵的必须汽蚀余量 NPSHr≤ 3 m、汽蚀比转速 C≥ 3 5 0。按照通常低比转速泵的设计理论 ,所设计的泵的试验结果为 NPSHr=5 .4m,没有达到汽蚀性能指标。因此 ,针对超低比转速泵的具体情况 ,进行了提高汽蚀性能的试验研究。通过合理选择叶轮的进口条件 ,用增加短叶片的方法改善叶轮的出口条件 ,泵的汽蚀性能达到 NPSHr≤ 2 m的水平 。
An ultra low specific speed (n s<15) centrifugal pump with partial flow has been developed for the application to petrochemical industry. Its necessary cavitation margin is not larger than 3m(NPSH r≤3m), and its cavitation specific speed is not less than 350 (C≥350). According to the general theory about low specific speed pump design, the experiment results of the pump we designed could not meet the necessary cavitation margin(NPSH r=5.4 m). After thoroughly analysing the details of the ultra low specific speed pump, a series of experiment studies are carried out. By appropriately selecting the inlet conditions of the impeller and efficiently improving its outlet conditions with added shorter blades, a product with excellent cavitation performance(NPSH r≤2m) is successfully developed, which gives a fine fit to the demand from the users.
Missiles and Space Vehicles