目的 :探讨缺血再灌注后鼠脑海马CA1 区选择性易损伤和迟发神经元死亡现象,以及hsp70mRNA差异表达的可能机制。方法 :观察鼠前脑缺血再灌注时 ,海马CA1 区、CA3 区及齿状回锥体细胞在组织学变化 ;以及原位杂交技术检测各区hsp70mRNA的诱导表达。结果:缺血再灌注7d后海马CA1 区锥体细胞缺失明显,而CA3 区及齿状回未见明显形态学变化。CA1 区hsp70mRNA的诱导较其余两区迟,而持续时间较长。结论:在缺血早期加强或在缺血后期抑制hsp70mRNA的诱导,有可能保护CA1 区锥体细胞。
Objective: To clarify selective vulnerable (SV) and delayed neuronal death (DND) in CA 1 sector after ischemia and reperfusion, and the mechanism of different hsp70mRNA expression in different sectors of rat hippocampus. Methods: A 10-min forebrain ischemic model in rats was established, the histology change of neurons were assessed in CA 1, CA 3 sectors and dentate gyrus, and hsp70mRNA expression was detected by method of in situ hybridization. Results: Histopathological analysis revealed that transient ischemia produced obvious neurons loss at 7 days recirculation in CA 1 sector, however there were not evident neuronal damage in CA 3 sector and dentate gyrus. Hybridization of hsp70mRNA in CA 1 sector cells after ischemia presented later, but prolonged longer than other sectors. Conclusion: The present study indicated that enhanced hsp70mRNA expression in early phase,or reduced the expression of hsp70mRNA in late phase after ischemia might prevent cells from DND.
Journal of Tianjin Medical University