目的 检测智力成就责任问卷(IAR)的信度和效度。方法 对294名中学生进行了智力成就责任问卷的测试。结果 重测信度系数为0.660;I_+与I_-的相关系数为0.166(P<0.01);总分与I_+的相关系数为0.730;与I_-的相关系数为0.749。与期中考试成绩的相关系数仅高中二年级较高(0.729),其它年级不具相关性。结论 测查结果与文献中介绍的结果相似,提示IAR量表具有较好的信度和效度,可在我国使用。
Objectives To examine the reliability and validity of Intellectual Achievement Responsibility (IAR) Ques-tionaire.Methods Two hundred and ninty-four high school students were tested with IAR questionaire. Results Test-retest reliability coefficient of the IAR was 0.660,the coefficient of I+ and I_was 0.166(P<0.01),the coefficient of the total scores and I+ was 0.730, the coefficient of the total scores and I_ was 0.749, and the coefficient of achievement of second grade high school students was 0.729. Conclusion The results is similar to the result literatures, which suggests that the IAR has better reliability and validity in china.
Shangdong Archives of Psychiatry