江苏经过多年的努力 ,林业取得了长足的进展 ,林业已经成为江苏农业的重要组成部分 ,如何在提高农民收入的同时 ,加速林业产业化进程 ,增强林业活力 ,关键是建立和完善林业产权制度 ,林业产权制度改革的核心是林地流转机制的建立和完善。通过对江苏各地的调查发现 ,在当前的林地流转过程中 ,缺少相关政策的指导 ,实际中存在着一些不规范的情况 ,本文拟从江苏实际出发 ,针对林业产权制度改革中存在的问题 ,提出相应的对策措施 ,以保证江苏林业产权制度改革的顺利进行。
With many years efforts,the Province of Jiangsu has made considerable progress in forest construction.As a result,forestry has become an important part of the Provinces agriculture.To further speed up the course of forestry industrialization and strengthen the vitality of forest industry whilst keep on increasing the farmers income,we should stress on the establishment and improvement of forestry right system.The key to the reform of forestry property right system is to establish and improve the mechanism for forestland transfers.Having made investigations in various parts of the Province,we find that the absence of guidance of relevant policies has given rise!to some problems in the current practice of forestland transfers.This essay,in view of such problems and based on the reality of Jiangsu Province,will discuss ways to solve these problems in order to help the reform of forestry property system progress smoothly.
Issues of Forestry Economics