
中国女童颅面骨骼生长的研究—7~14岁颌骨生长百分位曲线图的绘制 被引量:1

Craniofacial growth of chinese girls from 7 to 14 years of age
摘要 目的 :研究中国女童颅面骨骼的生长情况。方法 :选择 7~ 14岁健康女童 2 82名 ,拍摄左手腕骨片及X线头颅侧位定位片 ,并进行骨龄评定 (采用 CHN法 )、X线头影测量分析 ,采用百分位数法进行统计学分析。结果 :女性多数颌骨的增长速度达最大的时间在 11~ 12岁 ,前颅底部每年增长很少 ,而下颌骨长度增长最多 ,7~ 14岁增长 17.3 mm。并绘制出 7~ 14岁女童颅面骨骼生长的百分位曲线图。结论 :此结果有助于判断儿童是否存在异常骨骼生长 。 ?Objective: To study the craniofacial growth in Chinese girls. Methods: The hand wrist radiographs of 282 chinese girls aged 7 to 14 years old were analysed by CHN scoring method to assess their skeletal age. Furthermore, their lateral cephalometric films were taken and analysed with percentile method. The craniofacial growth percentile curves of the girls were made. Results:The fastest craniofacial growth in the girls took place at the age of 11 to 12. The growth of SN was not significant,but the mandibular length(Co-Gn) increased by 17.3 mm.Conclusion: The data may be reference for the jaw growth prediction
出处 《实用口腔医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2001年第5期408-410,共3页 Journal of Practical Stomatology
关键词 骨骼年龄测定 测颅法 口腔正畸 颌面 女童 Age determinafion by skeleton Jaws Facel Cephalometry
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