目的 :研究美兰对体外菌斑糖酵解模型产酸代谢的影响 ,为美兰用于防龋临床实践提供理论依据。方法 :采用改良体外菌斑糖酵解模型 ,以洗必泰作为阳性对照 ,去离子水作阴性对照 ,0 .1g/ L 美兰溶液及含 0 .1g/ L 美兰的产酸液为实验组 ,ORION电极检测产酸液 p H,并观察美兰抑制菌斑产酸的有效时间。结果 :产酸液中 0 .1g/ L美兰对体外菌斑产酸代谢具有明显的抑制作用 ,美兰对产酸代谢的抑制作用与浓度有关。结论 :美兰可以抑制菌斑的产酸代谢 ,美兰抑制菌斑产酸代谢的最低有效浓度还需要研究。
砄bjective:To study the effect of methylene blue on acid productioin metabollism in in vitro plaque glycolysis model (i PGM). Methods:Modified i PGMs were cultured in the presence of ①milliQ water (negative control);② 0.2 g/L chlorhexidine (positive control);③ 0.1 g/L methylene blue or ④ 0.1 g/L methylene blue in glycolysis buffer medium. pH of glycolysis buffer media was measured by ORION electrode.Results:In the above four groups pH values were 5.53±0.13, 6.66±0.10, 5.61±0.41 and 6.48±0.19 respectively(P<0.05. ① vs ④ and ② vs④; P>0.05 ① vs ③. pH values in group 1 at the cultured times(h) 0.5, 1, 2, 4 and 6 were 6.92±0.04, 6.43±0.10, 5.83±0.16, 5.49±0.13 and 5.39±0.24 respectively ( P >0.05, vs group ③). Conclusion:Methylene may inhiit production of plaque in a time independat way.
Journal of Practical Stomatology