于 1997~ 1998年研究了华北落叶松鞘蛾ColeophorasinensisYang的发育进度 ,其中包括生活史、成虫羽化进度、幼虫化蛹进度、幼虫发育的 4个龄期确定等。同时研究了虫口密度与华北落叶松林Larixprincipis rupprechtiiMary受害等级的关系 。
The case-bearer, \%Coleophora sinensis\% Yang is one of the most important pests in the forests of the north Chinese larch, \%Larix principis-rupprechtii\% Mary. The development of the pest was studied during 1997~1998 in the forests of respectively of Wutai mountain and Guandi mountain of Shanxi Province. The paper includes these contents as follows:its life history, emerging of adults, pupa stage, larvae’s development of the 4 instars. The densities of the pest population and the damage degrees are classsified into three grades. The control target are worked out.
山西省自然科学基金资助项目 (96 10 2 3 )