以“科瀚 98”高效抗旱保水剂为材料 ,采用沟施方法在干旱缺水的民勤沙漠绿洲区春小麦玉米带田中进行了保水剂应用研究。试验结果表明 ,沟施保水剂时 ,在土壤垂直剖面 2 0~ 4 0 cm处形成阻水层 ,且该层含水率较高 ,但对深层土壤含水率影响不大 ;在灌水量适宜时保水剂沟施对玉米叶面积、根密度、产量等均有正效应。
The effects of a new Super Absorbent Polymer(SAP), named as 'KEHAN 98', on plant growth and WUE was studied with field experiments conducted in west Gansu. Research results show that water conservation effects of the new SAP increase with irrigation quota increase, under same SAP application. A non penetrative layer seems to be set in soil layer of 20cm to 40cm under surface with the SAP application. Soil moisture increases obviously in that layer, but have little changes in other deep layers. With suitable irrigation quota, SAP application has little effect on plant height, but have obvious positive effects on leaf area, root and yield. The range of the effects is related to the SAP application amount. When less irrigation quota, SAP application has little or negative effects on yield. In spring wheat maize intercropping system, which is widely adopted in west Gansu region, SAP application raises crop WUE remarkably. At same yield level in maize, irrigation quota will be lowered about 544.13 m 3/hm 2 with a SAP application of 15 kg/hm 2. At same irrigation water application, Yield will increase obviously with SAP application.
Irrigation and Drainage
国家杰出青年科学基金资助项目 ( 4 972 5 10 2 )
国家重大基础性研究计划项目 ( G19990 1170 8)