美国作家亨利·詹姆斯在《一位女士的画像》中描写了一位单纯而又富有个性的美国姑娘在渴望了解欧洲文化、追求独立人生的道路上所遭遇的种种碰撞 ,揭示出在融合欧美文化思想道路上的艰辛与坎坷。这里试图通过分析主人公伊沙贝尔在与移民欧洲的美国人交往中发生的碰撞及碰撞后的反思 。
Henry James's The Portrait of A Lady presents us an innocent and independent American girl Isabel Archer, who gets involved in the international situation: the learning experiences of Americans and conflicts between Americans and American expatriates & Europeans. Isabel's story reveals Americans' contradictory combination of the new and the old culture on the way to questing experience in Europe.
Journal of Liaoning Normal University(Social Science Edition)