知识经济时代的到来 ,把高等学校推向了社会的中心地位 ,同时带来了新的生机。高校人才集聚 ,应成为知识经济的策源地 ,这就要求高校发挥基础性研究的学术功能 ,综合研究的学术功能 ,教学研究的学术功能 ,应用研究的学术功能 ,高校自身发展研究的学术功能 。
A knowledge economy era has placed institutions of higher learning in the centre of the society and brought them new opportunities. With a galaxy of talented personnel, such institutions should become a hotbed of knowledge economy and perform their academic functions for basic research, comprehensive studies, teaching research, applied research and self-development studies so as to fulfill their historical mission.
Dongjiang Journal