苏联内战结束 ,并实施新经济政策 ,远东地区的社会秩序开始平稳。这一时期 ,朝鲜人移居沿海州和黑龙州掀起了高潮 ,朝鲜人苏维埃村的规模一而再、再而三地扩大 ,然而一些地方发生过凯旋回乡的红色游击队员无家可归的事件 ,但随后得到了解决。沿海州苏维埃政府为解决朝鲜人的土地问题 ,剥夺哥萨克土豪的特权 ,没收其土地 ,重新分配。在实现农业集体化过程中 ,进行反土豪斗争 ,同时进行清党工作 (清除剥削农民的出身富裕元户的党员 ) ,还批判了大俄罗斯民族主义的倾向。在农村集体化过程中 ,也犯过“左”倾错误 ,致使不少朝鲜族农民逃难到中国东北。但总的来说 ,农业集体化激发了农民生产积极性 ,促进了农业发展 ,农业集体化程度有所提高 ,朝鲜人的教育、文化事业也有长足的发展。 193 0 -193 7年在苏联肃反扩大化的运动中 ,很多无辜的朝鲜人党员、干部(或已故干部 )受到了不公正的批判或处刑 ,甚至把朝鲜人当做“日本间谍成员的人才源泉”来看待 ,最终把全部朝鲜人一律秘密地迁移到中亚细亚 。
The article records Koreans' life in Russia's coastal regions before 1937. After the civil war, the Soviet Union adopted new economic policies and more Koreans immigrated to these regions. The agricultural collectivization aroused Russian farmers' enthusiasm, but some Korean farmers were forced to flee to the northeastern China due to the Left-Deviationist mistakes made by the local governments. In the movement for the elimination of counterrevolutionaries in the USSR(1930-1937), many innocent Koreans were unjustly criticized and treated. In the end, all the Koreans were forced to leave the land secretly for the USSR's Central Asian republics.
Dongjiang Journal