经济刑法典是经济刑法立法的专门法典化形式 ,即由立法机关制定一部专门规定经济犯罪及其刑事责任和刑罚的法典 ,对各类经济犯罪作出详细、系统的规定。我国经济刑法立法今后是否采用、能否采用经济刑法典形式 。
Economic criminal code is a speecialized code form, i.e. the legislation department working out a code which specially regulates economic crime and its criminal responsibility as well as penalty with detailed and systematic stipulations for various economic crimes. Whether the form of economic criminal code should be or can be adopted in economic criminal law legislation in the future largely depends on the full demonstration of legislation practicc and actual needs in our country.
Dongjiang Journal