《元朝秘史》的写作历时旷久 ,绝非一次性所完成。佐证有二。其一 ,《元朝秘史》采用编年体例 ,但在叙事模式方面却存在与此相悖的三大问题 ,即补充叙述、叙事主体的人称变化、叙事次序颠倒等 ;其二 ,《元史》世祖本纪、文宗本纪颇有延访太祖事迹付史馆、续写《蒙古脱卜赤颜》的记载。参互元人所撰碑版文字 ,又足以表明现存《秘史》
The Secret History of the Mongols must have taken a long timeto complete instead of getting finished at one stretch of time. Two things attest to the truth of this proposition. First, although the history is written in the form of chronicle, there are three elements generally considered undesirable for the narrative mode of a chronicle. These are the insertion of episodes, changes in the person of the narrator, and the confusion in narrative order, etc. Second, according to The Basic Annals of Shizu (Kublai Khan) in History of the Yuan Dynasty, copies of the anecdotal accounts of Genghis Khan had been made out of interviews and sent to the history writing office well after the date when The Secret History of the Mongols is supposed to have been completed. Besides, a plan to write the sequel to The Mongolian History, which may very well be The Secret History of the Mongols, is mentioned in The Basic Annals of Wenzong (named Timur) in History of the Yuan Dynasty. These two facts plus the epitaphs on the tombstones left behind by people of the Yuan Dynasty are ample proof that there is far more secret about this Mongolian royal family than is written in The Secret History of the Mongols.
Journal of Inner Mongolia Normal University:Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition