从严治党是我们党的优良传统 ,也是邓小平的一贯主张 ,我们要充分认识从严治党的重要性和紧迫性 ,从严格教育、强化监督、严肃惩处等方面着手 ,并努力从法制上确保从严治党方针的贯彻实施 ,以推进反腐败斗争 ,把我们的党建设好。
Strictly abministering the Party is both the good tradition of our Party and the consistand stand of Deng Xiaoping. We must fully realize the importance and urgency of the policy of strictly administering the Party.We must strictly educate, strengthen supervision, severely punish and carry out the policy of strictly administering the Party in accordance with laws so that we can give a fresh impetus to the struggle against corruption and construct our Party well.
Social Science Journal of Xiangtan University