感受最初只是主体的一种心理兴奋 ,它不是情感 ,也不同于感觉 ;文学中的感受源于一般的生活感受 ,它是生活感受的形式化 ;表现感受就是通过直觉、联想、想象等心理过程使感受成为思想、情感、形象、语言的复合体。感受具有的赋形需求使得它既是文学活动产生的原因、动力 ,又是文学活动的目的、对象。
Feeling, which is not emotion and also different from sensation, originally is just a kind of psychological excitement of the subject. Feeling in literature originates from and formalizes the general feeling in life. It is expressed through the psychological processes of intuition, association and imagination to become the compound of thought, emotion, image and language. The desire of formalization from feeling makes it not only the cause and motivation of literary activity, but also its purpose and objective.
Social Science Journal of Xiangtan University