荀子的名实观主要是对孔子正名主义的继承 ,同时也受到名辩学派的影响。荀子认为 ,“名”的实质是“期累实” ;其作用是“明贵贱”、“辩同异” ;重视“名”的分类 ,并对“乱名擅作”进行了批判 ,形成了“依实定名”的唯物主义名实观。
Xunzi's 'Fame' and 'Object' viewpoints is inherited from Confucius's fame-correction and also influenced by the school of fame-arguers. According to Xunzi , the object of “Fame” is qileishi-accumulating objects together and then generalizing them; its function is mingguijian-distinguishing the difference between noble and humble, as well as bietongyi-distinguishing the difference between similarity and difference. Xunzi also attached great importance to the classification of fame. He criticized luanmingshanzuo-granting fame arbitrarily and therefore formed his “fame and object' viewpoints of materialism: yishidingming-granting fame according to object.
Social Science Journal of Xiangtan University