勤工助学活动的开展有利于促进高等教育的发展 ;有助于“两个文明”的建设 ;有利于减轻学生的经济负担 ;为培养高素质人才提供了一个创造性环境。但高校的勤工助学活动也面临着诸多问题 ,主要是观念陈旧、组织疏散、行为主体的功利性。要搞好勤工助学活动必须综合整体深化。
The vigorous development of the work-study program contributes much to the development of the higher education and the construction of “the two civilizations”.It also helps to reduce the self-support.In short,it provides acreative environment for the fostering of talents with high qualities Nevertheless,the program faces some problems such as the old concepts, the loose management and the doers utilitarianism.So,the comprebensive overall intensification is the key to the successful work-study program.
Social Science Journal of Xiangtan University