法学期刊之所以能在社会中得以生存与发展 ,关键在于其具有价值上的合理性 ,具有社会功能作用。其社会功能主要体现在 :(一 )在推动依法治国进程中的功能 ;(二 )舆论导向功能 ;(三 )传播法律知识 ,提供情报文献的功能 ;(四 )为社会主义精神文明建设服务的功能。
The existence and devleopment of the periodical of law science in society is completely due to its valuable reasons and social functions. The functions are mainly as follews:1.the function of promoting the process of governing the country by law;2.the function of the guidance of public opinion;3.the function of spreading law knowledge and providing intelligence documents;4.the function of the service of the socialist spirit civiliation construction.
Social Science Journal of Xiangtan University