黄曲霉毒素B1 (AFB1 )是人类原发性肝癌 (HCC)的主要病因之一 ,发展和应用AFB1 及其体内分子生物标记物敏感、特异的检测方法对肝癌高危人群的筛检具有重要意义。人体血清中黄曲霉毒素 白蛋白加合物 (AFB ALB)的测定已应用于人体黄曲霉毒素暴露水平与肝癌的研究 ,本研究旨在建立敏感特异的AFB ALB的测定方法。该方法选择使用Microcon 5 0微型浓缩器使白蛋白快速分离 ,改变了用沉淀和其他分离白蛋白的方法 ,同时由于在同一装置内加入蛋白分解酶消化 ,从而减少了转移操作步骤 ,增加了白蛋白的回收率 ,对消化样品采用竞争性放射免疫测定 (RIA)法进行AFB ALB的测定 ,提高了测定的敏感性及特异性。应用改进的方法对我国江苏启东和广西扶绥两肝癌高发区居民的血样进行了测定 ,表明该地区人群黄曲霉毒素暴露较普遍 ,血清AFB ALB阳性率高。
Exposure to aflatoxin B 1 (AFB 1) is one of the major risk factors in the etiology of human hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). The development of highly sensitive and specific methods for detecting AFB 1 and its macromolecular biomarkers are critical for identifying individuals at risk for hepatocellular carcinoma. The detection of aflatoxin albumin adducts (AFB ALB) in serum has been used to investigate the relationship between aflatoxin exposure and HCC. A more sensitive and reliable method to detect AFB ALB in serum was modified by separating serum albumin with Microcon 50 microconcentrators in stead of using precipitation. The method could separate serum albumin quickly and make protein digested in the same container. Thus, the step for transferring samples was reduced and recovery rate was improved. The AFB ALB adducts were then determined by radioimmunoassay. The AFB ALB adducts of human serum samples from Qidong, Jiangsu Province, and Fusui, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region of the People's Republic of China were detected. The results indicated that the exposure of AFB 1 is common and the positive rate for AFB ALB adducts in serum of these populations is high.
Journal of Hygiene Research