目的识别和分析 1 2导同步心电的异常心律及P、QRS、T波起点和终点。方法一种建立在正交化处理基础上实时算法。该算法用空间速率样本识别各个心动 ;用平均空间速率和平均心电图计算平均参数 ;用瞬时心动周期、瞬时平均心动周期和瞬时QRS宽度进行心律异常分析。结果本算法能准确的识别 1 2导同步心电的P、QRS、T波起点和终点 ,并能较好的识别早搏、漏搏、RonT、二联律、三联律等异常心律。结论 1 2导同步心电图的正交化和形成空间速率是本方法的核心 。
Objective To recognize the arrhythmias, onsets and ends of P, QRS and T in simultaneous 12 Lead ECG. Method A real time algorithm is based on the transformation of 12 leads in ECG into orthogonal three signals. Spatial velocity was used to form averaged spatial velocity and averaged ECG, and current beat period and current averaged beat period as well as current width of QRS complex were used to detect arrhythmias. Result The algorithm could recognize onsets and ends of P, QRS and T in simultaneous 12 Lead ECG precisely, and some arrhythmias such as premature ventricular beat, ventricular escaped beat, R on T, bigeminy, trigeminy were also recognized. Conclusion The kernel of the algorithm is transformation of simultaneous 12 Lead ECG into orthogonal signals and formation of spatial velocity, which provide a good environment for detecting other parameters.
Space Medicine & Medical Engineering