目的 研究前列腺素合成酶 (COX) 2在前列腺癌和前列腺增生组织中的表达及与临床的关系。 方法 随机选择 42份前列腺增生和 16份前列腺癌患者的手术标本 ,从定性和定量两个方面分别采用免疫组织化学和蛋白印记方法对COX 2蛋白的表达进行研究。 结果 16份前列腺癌标本中 ,15份COX 2呈阳性表达 ,占 93 8% ;42份前列腺增生的组织中 ,只有 11份有COX 2的表达 ,占 2 6 % ,两者差异有非常显著意义 (直接概率法P <0 0 1)。且COX 2高表达的前列腺癌患者预后不佳。 结论 COX 2在前列腺癌组织中表达增强 。
Objective To investigate the expression of COX 2 in and benign prostatic hyperplasia and prostate cancer and its clinical implications. Methods Forty two patients with and benign prostatic hyperplasia and 16 with prostate cancer were studied by immunohischemistry and western blot. Results Immunohischemiscal study showed positive results in 15 of the 16 patients and 11 of the 42 patients. Western blot showed that the expression of COX 2 was higher in prostate cancer than in and benign prostatic hyperplasia tissues( P <0 01). Conclusion Overexpression of COX 2 in prostate cancer may be related to the stageing of prostate cancer.
Chinese Journal of Surgery