输卵管镜 ( falloposcopy)是一种经阴道宫颈途径检查输卵管内部状况的一种器械。自1990年 Kerin等首次成功应用 ,现有同轴型和线型外展导管系统两种类型 ,其器械和方法各有异同和利弊。输卵管镜术不仅可观察到输卵管内部的生理或病理状况 ,而且可对某些输卵管病变进行治疗。输卵管镜较其它传统检测输卵管功能的方法有明显优点 ,但也存在一定问题 。
Falloposcopy is a transvaginal microendoscopic used to examine the human fallopian tube from the uterotubal ostium to the fimbrual end. Since the first successful usage of this microendoscopic technique reported in 1990 by Kerin and his co workes, two types of techniques has been developed, namely Coaxial falloscopy system and Linear everting catheter system, which are different in terms of using method and apparatus structure. The indications for and contraindications to falloposcopy are presented in this lecture. This technique can help to observe physiologic or pathologic conditions in the fallopians and classified them for further treatment. Falloposcopy has more advantages than other traditional means of assessing tubal patency, but it also has some disadvantages and needs to be developed in the future.
Reproduction and Contraception