目的观察CO2 气腹期间应用艾司洛尔对血流动力学和呼吸的影响及其临床意义。方法腹腔镜胆囊切除术患者 6 0例 ,随机均分为艾司洛尔组和盐水对照组。气腹不同阶段记录ECG、SBP、DBP、MAP、HR、Paw的变化 ,并计算RPP ,同时作动脉血气。结果气腹期间对照组SBP、DBP、MAP、HR、RPP显著高于气腹前及艾司洛尔组同期 (P <0 0 5 ) ;艾司洛尔组血流动力学控制良好 ;Paw、Pa CO2 、pH组间差异无显著意义 (P >0 0 5 )。结论气腹期间应用艾司洛尔可明显减轻气腹应激反应 。
Objective To evaluate the effects of hemodynamic and repsiratory changes of esmolol during carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) pneumoperitoneum. Methods 60 laparoscopic cholecystectomy patients were divided randomly into two groups: Esmolol group(30) and natural salt control group(30). Changes of ECG,SBP,DBP,MAP,HR and Paw were recorded at different time point, and RPP were calculated and blood gas analysis were done simultaneously. Results In control group,SBP, DBP, MAP, HR and RPP were signifcantly elevated during CO 2 pneumoperitoneum and were higher than that in esmolol group at same time points( P <0.05). Hemodynamic parameters altered slightly in esmolol group. There's no difference in Paw, PaCO 2 ,pH between two groups ( P >0.05).Conclusion Esmolol could effectively reduce the stroke reaction induced by pneumoperitoneum and satisfactorily maintain hemodynamic and respiratory balance.
Guizhou Medical Journal