目的 观察葡萄糖、L-葡萄糖和胰岛素对内皮细胞激肽释放酶 m RNA(TKA-m RNA)表达的影响。方法 利用 RT-PCR方法观察上述试剂对体外培养的内皮细胞 TKA-m RNA表达的影响。结果 葡萄糖浓度为 4、8mmol/L时对 TKA-m RNA的表达无影响 ;16、3 2 mmol/L时则有明显抑制作用 ,浓度越高 ,抑制作用出现越早 ;等摩尔 L-葡萄糖的抑制作用只在 3 2 mmol/L、培养 15 d时显现 ;胰岛素对 TKA-m RNA表达无影响。结论 高浓度葡萄糖是抑制内皮细胞 TKA-m
Objective To study the effect of glucose and insulin on the expression of kallikrein mRNA (TKA mRNA) in the endothelial cells.Methods To observe the effets of glucose,insuline,L glucose on the expression of TKA mRNA in cultured endothelial cells by means of RT PCR.Results The expression of TKA mRNA was inhibited by glucose at the 16mmol/L on the 12th and the 15th day and at the 32 mmol/L on the 9th,12th and 15th day,but only by L glucose at the 32 mmol/L on the 15th day.The expression was not affected by insulin.Conclusions The expression of TKA mRNA in the cultured endothelial cells was maialy inhibited by glucose.
Beijing Medical Journal