
生长素释放肽与心脏 被引量:2

Growth hormone releasing peptide and heart
摘要 生长素释放肽 (Growthhormonereleasingpeptide ,GHRP)是一种人工合成的促分泌肽类物质。它能促使垂体生长素的释放。近年研究表明GHRP对心脏有与生长素类似的作用。GHRP对心脏的作用主要是通过存在于心脏的一种特殊受体介导的 ,而且与其促生长素释放的作用无关。大量实验研究表明 ,GHRP对心脏具有较全面的保护效应。GHRP可以改善心肌细胞Ca2 +的转运与利用和兴奋 收缩耦联过程 ,并参与体液因素对心肌细胞的调节作用。GHRP还能促进心肌细胞损伤后的修复并具有抗细胞凋亡作用。所有这些效应都有利于改善衰竭心脏心室的射血功能。本文综述了GHRP对心脏作用的研究进展 ,并基于心力衰竭的病理生理学基础 。 Growth hormone releasing peptide (GHRP) is a synthetic secretagogue that promotes the release of growth hormone from the pituitary. It is recently found that GHRP has similar cardiac effect as growth hormone. The activity of GHRP on heart is exerted through specific receptors and is independent of its GH releasing properties. A lot of experimental evidences revealed that GHRP had wide protective effects on heart. GHRP improves the cellular Ca 2+ transportation and utilization and the process of excitation contraction coupling of cardiac cell. It plays a role in the modulation of the humoral factors acting on the cardiomyocytes. GHRP also promotes the repair of cardiac cellular damage from injury and has an anti apoptic effect. All of these effects are contributive to the improvement of ventricular blood ejection in a failing heart. This review summarized the progress of studies on the cardiac effect of GHRP. Perspectives for GHRP as a cardioprotective agent in the treatment of heart failure based on the pathophysiological mechanism are also discussed.
作者 陈孟勤
出处 《基础医学与临床》 CSCD 北大核心 2002年第1期6-15,共10页 Basic and Clinical Medicine
基金 国家自然科学基金海外青年合作研究基金 (30 0 2 80 0 7)
关键词 生长素释放肽 心脏 心力衰竭 Growth hormone releasing peptide (GHRP) heart heart failure
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