探讨烫伤对白细胞介素 1 8(IL 1 8)mRNA的表达和IFN γ的影响。采用大鼠 30 %体表面积Ⅲ度烫伤模型 ,IL 1 8、IFN γmRNA表达采用逆转录聚合酶链式反应检测 ,IFN γ蛋白含量采用ELISA法测定。烫伤后组织IL 1 8mRNA表达较伤前值有显著升高 ,8h达高峰且一直持续至伤后 2 4h。组织IFN γmRNA表达增加以肠、肺组织明显 ,伤后2 4h仍维持较高水平。肠、肺组织IFN γ蛋白水平与其mRNA表达趋势基本一致。SDD预处理可不同程度降低IL 1 8、IFN γmRNA表达和肠、肺组织IFN γ水平。相关分析表明 ,IL 1 8mRNA表达与IFN γmRNA表达、IFN γ水平呈显著正相关。组织IL 1 8mRNA表达在烫伤后显著增多 ,并对IFN
To investigate the dynamic changes of interleukin 18(IL 18) mRNA expression and the relationship between IL 18 and IFN γ in burned rats.54 male Wistar rats were randomly divided into three groups: normal controls, 30% Ⅲ injury group,and selective decontamination of the digestive tract (SDD) pre treatment group. Cytokine mRNA expression was semi quantitated by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT PCR) with GAPDH as an internal standard. (ELISA) was performed for IFN γ measurement. IL 18?IFN γ mRNA expression significantly pecking at 8 hours,lasting till 24 hours. In addition, positive correlations among IL 18 mRNA expression,IFN γ mRNA expression and IFN γ level were noted(r=0.716~0.905, P <0.01).This study suggests that burns can lead to a marked elevation of tissue IL 18 mRNA expression in vital organs,which might be associated with synthesis and release of IFN γ.
Basic and Clinical Medicine
国家重点基础研究发展规划项目 (G1 9990 542 0 3)