分析预应力张拉模式及等效荷载对框架结构的内力影响 ,非预应力筋的设计问题、预应力筋穿设及砼浇注阶段注意问题、工程施工中张拉控制方法及预应力损失施工计算分析 ,预应力的测试结果及张拉参数调整。高层结构预应力的理论计算与其实际预应力建立值受力状态间有一定的偏差 ,只有结合测试搞好复杂部位预应力分析 ,才能搞好预应力施工技术控制。
A number of aspects are analyzed in this paper,which include the inner force influence of the frame structure caused by stretching mode,equivalent loads,the problems with non prestressed bar design,and with the strand being laid and prestressed concrete being poured.The tensioning way and the loss of prestress with the frame girder are studied.Tensioning stress is adjusted according to the stretching test data with the frame girder.There is a deviation on expected and measured stress values during the stretching of prestressed bar.Testing and analyzing stress distribution of the frame structure complex spot can keep the prestressed construction technology in good control.
Journal of Luoyang Institute of Technology