水和水蒸汽性质国际联合会于 1 997年通过的新型水和水蒸汽热力性质工业公式 (I APWS -IF97)具有精度高、计算耗时少 ,以及适用范围宽等特点 ,已经取代使用多年的IFC - 6 7公式。IAPWS -IF97将水和水蒸汽共分为五个区域 ,本文详细介绍了各区的基本计算数学模型。根据本文介绍的数学模型 ,我国动力工作者可方便地掌握和使用IAPWS -IF97公式。
In 1997, the International Association for the Properties of Water and Steam (IAPWS) adopted a new formulation for the thermodynamic properties of water and steam for industrial use. This new formulation (IAPWS-IF97) improves significantly both the accuracy and the speed of the calculation of the thermodynamic properties compared with IFC-67. Its basic math models of each zone are introduced in the paper, so that all the power engineers of our country can master and use it in their design and research work.
Journal of Anhui Electric Power College for Staff