目的了解不孕症患者的健康需求。方法对 5 15名不孕症患者的健康信息需求进行调查。结果 (1)不孕症患者对护士的要求以讲解疾病知识最多 ,占 97% ;(2 )患者对疾病相关知识需求 :不孕病因、检查目的、治疗方法疗效、用药作用及注意事项的需求均在 79%以上 ;(3)患者对健康信息获得方法以医务人员讲解最多 ,占 95 %。结论患者渴望了解不孕症的各类知识 ,希望医务人员给予支持和帮助。护士应从心理护理、宣教疾病知识。
Objective To study the health requirement for patients with sterility.Method To survey the health needs for 515 cases of patients with sterility.Result (1)97% of patients with sterility asked nurse induced knowledge related to disease.(2)the needed know how by the patients were Reason for sterility,purpose of physical checkup,effectiveness of treatment,drug's effective and precautions.All of them are above 79%. (3)the major source of information are health workers,account for 95%.Conclusion the patient are long for health knowledge related sterility,and wish to obtain them from health worker.Nurse should take care of these aspect such as psycbological care,induction of disease knowledge,and keep confidential for patients.
Journal of Nurses Training