通过在NBC - 5 0 0 - 1型晶闸管CO2 焊机控制回路中加入脉冲控制电路 ,使原焊机具有脉冲MIG焊的功能。试验证明 ,利用此改装的脉冲焊机在脉冲铝合金焊接时 ,焊接电弧稳定、焊缝成形质量良好 。
By setting a pulsed controlling circuit in the NBC-500-1 SCR CO 2 welding machine,this machine has the function of pulse welding . The test shows that the refitted welder is more compatible for the welding of aluminum alloy and the arc is steady and the welding seam is good which reach the demands of pulse welding machine of aluminum alloy.
Electric Welding Machine