通过 1 995 - 2 0 0 1年长期对内蒙古鄂尔多斯高原毛乌素沙地和库布齐沙漠的八个盐碱湖进行了实地调研 ,在其中四个碱湖中发现有四种螺旋藻 ,其中两个为新种 ,另两个为中国新记录种。作者在巴彦淖尔碱湖畔建成半封闭跑道式养殖池 ,以当地的钝顶螺旋藻为藻种 ,利用湖水养殖螺旋藻获得了成功。藻粉产量达到 6 - 8g/d· m2 ,质量通过了内蒙古卫生防疫站“食准字”检验。作者在螺旋藻养殖上的成功 ,为其产业化奠定了基础。在鄂尔多斯沙区发展螺旋藻产业有着得天独厚的优势 :众多的碱湖资源 :特有的螺旋藻资源 ;丰富的光能资源 ;不占用耕地和牧场 ;不污染环境、可持续发展等。所以 。
Through investigating on the spots of eight alkaline lakes of Mu Us Sandy Land and Kubuqi Desert of Erdos Plateau in Inner Mongolia, four alkaline lakes were found growing four species of Spirulina, among which two of them are new species and the other two are newly recorded in China. The authors of the paper have built a semi-closed track cultivating pond on the side of Bayannur Alkaline Lake and have taken the local species S platensis as the strain. They have used the water in the lake to cultivate Spirulina and have succeeded. The output of algae is 6-8g/d.m 2 and the quality of the powder has passed the examination of food production permitting of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Sanitation and Antiepidemic Station. This successful work has laid a foundation for industrialization. The Erdos Sandy Area, richly endowed by nature, has exceptional advantages to develop Spirulina industry: chiefly multitudinous alkaline lakes, special spirulina resources, plentiful luminous energy, needless to occupy farmland and pastures, and no environment pollution. Such good conditions provide a solid fundation for a sustainable development of spirulina cultivation, which would be a new rising industry in the region.
Journal of Arid Land Resources and Environment
内蒙古"九五"攻关课题 ( 960 12 5 )
国家自然科学基金 ( 39960 0 62 )
内蒙古自然科学基金 ( 990 30 3-4 )